Message from morning spirit

Has it ever happened to you to experience something seemingly innocent that completely changed your long term mindset ? Something that subtly but profoundly influences you to this day ? Let me share a story of mine …

I thought my life is good. I pursued my childhood interests, graduated with honors, moved from Europe to US, where I landed well paid job in my dream profession in Downtown New York City. Things were going well. I was working hard and climbing corporate ladder. Yeah, I was working a lot - but I didn’t mind. Sacrifice - right ? … and I got to go for nice vacation from time to time. Nothing to complain about. I was managing great team of smart people I hired myself. I was even renting a place with panoramic view of Manhattan skyline. I would see the lights going off on Empire State Building before going to sleep. My family and friends were impressed. 



One late Friday evening I was working from home - I had major role in big, impactful and visible project. I had it all figured out - entire plan of work to do - and it was unfolding successfully. I saw a long list of tasks and milestones, people to work with etc. I knew we will accomplish the goal - but I wasn’t excited. I was tired and Friday evening was turning into Saturday morning. Sun was raising over Manhattan and the view was beautiful but I was finding myself with no reason to enjoy it. I was doing “the right thing” in life - but something was killing me inside. Doing “the right thing” was “good” - but was it great ? I knew when my project is over - and done well - there will be another one. Is that all I should be doing ? Well, I guess I could do other things - but then my work, my “good life” would be affected. I love my job after all. I should be disciplined. Stick to high-certainty, high-success-chance outcomes. As I always did. As it always worked for me - just look at my good life now. Yes, disciplined ! … and life-less and miserable (my mind completed the sentence)


There I was, deep in not-so-happy thoughts - probably with concerned look on my face. Suddenly, on the grass below my window I saw a little red bird facing me. I could literally feel it looking at me while shaking its head left and right. In few short moments I went from gloomy thoughts to smile as I looked at the cheerful little bird. How surprising ! Instant happiness out of nowhere ! Is it trying to tell me something ? Out of the sudden a powerful thought struck my head: “I should live to surprise myself”. The thought of focusing on surprise - instead of certainty - had invigorating effect. Surprise of great - instead of certainty of good. Surprise implies trying without assurance of success. Just enjoyment of the attempt. Affirmation of life force and energy. 

Do you feel life flowing through you ? Did you ever surprise yourself ? Do you attempt great things you thought you are unlikely to ever achieve ? Do you find yourself trying to learn something you have every reason to believe you may never master - in hope that one day you will surprise yourself ? Do you know that you can do all that without abandoning that good life you’re currently living and worked so hard for ? 

I’m dying to hear your thoughts ! Leave me a comment below !

and …

Live to surprise yourself 
